Hannah Sterke
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Badges of 'merit'

- Be careful that people do not hop on a bandwagon saying 'I was racist', it shouldn't be a trendy thing to say

- It's an interesting conversation starter, it apparently resonates because people come up to you to ask your story

- Can you be 100% not racist? Anyone has racist tendencies, consciously and unconsciously

- Try to get a reaction picture and walk around outside with such a badge
Fufu met appelmoes

- Interesting to use graphs. Since people struggle with heritage.
- Where is the call to action? How do you want to start a conversation?
- Don't get to stuck in research and make/visualize more
Foucault x cancel culture

For this exercise I wanted to relate the docile bodies theory to cancel culture. Docile bodies is all about power being everywhere, it can be exerted by anyone. In the modern day and age there are plenty power structures, everyone is connected and through social media everyone is watching each other. This results in a justice system on the internet. Random people judging you on your opinions and calling you out for it. But even when you do the calling out, you can be cancelled as well. No one is safe from themselves. This results in fear of being canceled.

- Pic 1: a nice mix of normal people and institutions, the fading of the eyes reflects loneliness and besides presenting facts it also shows a lot of emotion
- Pic 2: really clear. Anyone can judge you on the internet, clear message. Hands on knees is a clear sign of power, you immediately recognise the woman among the man
Look again
The internet council will judge you now
Week 4
Canceling cancel culture

For this exercise I wanted to do something fun. Cancel culture is quite negative and I wanted to invent some fun ways to prevent someone from typing on twitter.

We had to apply one or more strategies to counter or question the way control practices work. The control practice I chose is social media influence and the power of cancel culture.

I chose sabotage because it is quite hard to stop someone from cancelling. Since debate often isn't an option and the war on social justice is a complex one, I thought sabotage would be a nice way to confront someone.

Life follows function